Friday, 4 June 2010
It's the End of the Blog as We Know it
We’re moving to a new blog!
Please head on over to:
And bookmark the new address, because this one isn’t going to be updated anymore.
The Longer Version:
So, dear friends, in the words sung by Frank Sinatra, the Time has Come.
Not, however, to reach the final curtain (O! That red, velvet drape whose silken cord is tugged ‘pon by Saint Peter himself), but to rapturously bait our breath as a brand new curtain is opened!
Before the tide of applause drowns your senses, I’d better tell you where this new show is going to be happening. Open your programmes to page 5 and kindly peruse the particulars of our new, improved address:
That’s where I, and possibly we, depending on who can be persuaded to put digital pen to paper, will be writing from now on.
Expect to see lots of new ways that you can interact with FireStar folk, including innovative ways to win yourself tasty vouchers and prizes. Mmmm.... Free.
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
From our Correspondent
So here from the front lines of being-born-a-bit-sooner-than-the-rest-of-us, we're proud to present our new grassroots correspondent Lara.
Lara has kindly agreed to be our eyes and ears on the ground floor of... well, the department of being young, we suppose. She'll be blogging here from time to time to tell us how things really are. What's hot and what's not. What's lame and whats... in the game. Ahem. She knows what it's like to be on the receiving end of the many and herculean efforts of the toy industry as it tries desperately to gain her custom, and she's not afraid to tell us.
So, without further ado, here's Lara with her first report on the State of Toys today:
Who here hasn’t played Twister? What, you haven’t? Are you serious? Not only is it one of the best ever-family games, but it is also one that falling over and looking stupid is what it’s all about.
Sound interested? Then read on….
Twister (in case you didn’t know) has a mat a spinner and should have a large amount of players, the bigger the better. The more dignified amongst us would be the spinner. All they have to do is sit down, well away from the mat, and spin the spinner. Whatever the spinner comes is the section of the mat that the first lucky player must place a part of their body on. i.e. left hand red. Then it’s the next players go.
This goes on till the winner is announced. If you are given this honor, remember: this is hardly won, as bums, elbows etc. are not allowed on the mat.
So, if you are a person blessed with flexibility/ are a professional contortionist/ have a worst enemy you really want to laugh at then this game is for you. Go, you know you really want it…
The end.
By Lara
Monday, 1 February 2010
Lego Universe!
Sitting somewhere, possibly at work, possibly not, humming various Disney themes? Hmm? Or perhaps trying to hum (consecutively) the title songs to Star Wars, Star Trek Next Generation and classic Superman?*
Well, stop all that! That's right, put away your humming apparatus (make sure the Floam flow is off and the Hannigan's Tubules are disconnected. Don't want any nasty accidents), get up, sit down again, and check out LEGO Universe!
Thursday, 21 January 2010
It's... Pimp My Mini-Fig!
Good question, friend!
Lucky for you, FireStar is in the middle of launching whole sections of exciting new parts for Lego mini-figures!
Which means it's time to... Pimp my Mini-Fig!*
Meet Juanita, viewers:

" Hi Pimp my Mini-Fig! My Lego men are dullsville. I mean, they're just the pits. Old fashioned, boring... I looked at one the other day where I keep it on the mantelpiece, and it was like I was looking right through it, straight to the cross-stitch of a badger my gramma did. Like, my Legos have got so uninspiring I don't see them anymore. There's gotta be a way I can take my favourite mini-figs and turn them from bad to rad! There's just gotta be! Help me, FireStar!
Well, Juanita, you've come to the right place!
Let's take a look at your staid old Lego fig:

Well, Juanita, let's see what FireStar can do to zap your mini-fig straight to Coolsville! Set your phasers to 'stunned' - you will be!
First off, how about a new outfit?
This beige-toned wrap is Jedi-tastic! (as well as totally flattering, natch)
Next up, who could resist this super cool steampunk top hat, exclusive to FireStar from the amazingly collectible Amazing Armory?
Nothing adds an edge to your mini-fig outfit like rakish headgear!
Now that your Lego fig's gone from drab to fab, how about some finishing touches? Did someone say accessories?
This Amazing Armory axe is sure to make your mini-fig too cool for school. Or should that be hot? Either way really - the main point you should be getting from this is that any combination of Lego and guitars is pretty neat.
Well, that's it from our inaugural episode of FireStar's Pimp My Mini-Fig!
Back to you, Juanita - what's your reaction?
"I'm thrilled! Just thrilled! I can't believe this is really my old mini-fig; he looks so handsome... so happenin'.... so now! I'll never neglect my mini-fig again - thank you, FireStar!"
Ha ha! No problem, Juanita!
Remember, folks, you can find everything you need to pimp your mini-fig right on the FireStar website. Head over there now, and use your January 10% discount code!
* Note: Does not refer to augmentation of actual figs.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Discount codes for Jan!
There's snow. Which is good if you like the color white, and especially good if you like that combined with a pervading sense of cold that turns otherwise healthy people into lurching, zombie shells. Though admittedly that could also have been some kind of virus.
Just a few days in, the nascent year is soft, jelly-like, fetal. Kind of squirmy, in a way which you're not sure yet whether you find appealing or disgusting.
It can be molded, dear reader.
So, in the spirit of new beginnings, here's some advice we at FireStar Toys have concocted to make this year the best 2010 you'll ever have!*
1. Walk in the fresh air.
2. Adopt a vulnerable species of beetle.
3. Never watch an epic movie starring Brad Pitt.
4. Never put a sock in a toaster.
5. Laugh like you have emphysema, love like you're alone, sing like a partially decomposed soprano, dance like you have a slightly painful verruca on your left big toe (sure, you've made an appointment with the chiropodist, but you went to one as a child [and unpleasant and sharp experience] and you secretly plan to cancel at the last minute), live like a skeleton who's been somewhat reluctantly re-animated for a few weeks to do the bidding of a morally ambiguous necromancer.
6. Save lots of money by using exclusive voucher codes at FireStar!
Because, really, why wouldn't you?
Here's the very special, exclusive to this blog code now:
This code is worth a pretty considerable 10% off anything you buy in January. And, as with all our codes, that includes sales prices.fstblog8885
There are corresponding offers that will be appearing over the next few days for our twitter followers and Facebook fans, so why not check those out, too?
We're planning more exclusive offers for loyal readers, and those willing to give something back in the form of product reviews, so keep checking back for news!
*Guarantee void if time proves to be cyclical.